Dating coach: Men are leaders and responsible for wife's mental health

Dating coach Jake Maddock claims men are the ‘leaders’ and are solely responsible for their wife’s mental health: ‘Do your job’

  • Jake Maddock claims men are responsible for their partner’s mental health
  • READ MORE: I’m a relationship and these are the seven things men care about 

A controversial dating coach has claimed a woman’s poor mental health is her partner’s fault – and what he needs to do to ‘fix’ it.

Relationship expert Jake Maddock previously shared the real reason men ‘ghost’ after first date sex, and why not wanting to have sex with your partner is a ‘red flag’.

Maddock recently stated that a man is the ‘leader’ in the relationship and he’s responsible for the family unit.

He shared that he knew it would spark a debate, but he stood firm in his opinion.

‘Your wife’s mental health is your responsibility,’ he said. ‘If she has poor mental health, you didn’t do your job correctly.’

READ MORE: I’m a relationship expert and these are the seven things men care about in a woman – and it’s not your job or money

Jake elaborated on his point of view in a now-viral video. 

‘You’re the leader, you need to make sure the people you’re leading are going very well,’ he spoke directly to his male listeners.

‘If they’re not going well, it’s your fault and you need to fix it.

‘I know it’s a controversial statement, but if you take that responsibility on as a man, your family will succeed more efficiently.’

Thousands disagreed with him and slammed him for putting unnecessary pressure on men. 

‘You are way off base! You can support, listen and help. Someone’s mental health is not another person’s responsibility,’ a man wrote.

‘People must be accountable for their own happiness with or without a spouse,’ another added.

‘My ex has diagnosed mental disorders and I can’t assume responsibility for how she feels,’ one shared.

‘It’s my responsibility to take care of myself, I’m not in charge of my partners brain chemistry,’ another wrote.

Controversial dating coach Jake Maddock has revealed why a woman’s poor mental health is her partner’s fault – and what he needs to do to ‘fix’ it

But many others said that Jake was correct and shared their experiences. 

‘My ex-husband used to say my happiness is my own problem, but turns out the depression was just from the way he treated me, so yes I agree!’ a woman said.

A second wrote, ‘It really comes down to if he was considerate and provides well – then a good 80 per cent of all problems completely vanish.’

‘I’ve had a breakdown. My supposedly partner has barely bothered with me in two weeks. Needless to say he is no longer my partner,’ a woman shared.

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