Woman divides opinion after flying across the world to surprise her ex

Woman divides opinion after flying from Queensland to Brighton to get back with her former boyfriend (without knowing if he was seeing someone else)

  • Tamika Cheney, 21, surprised her ex in Brighton as she flew in from Queensland 
  • READ MORE: Influencer reveals TikTok ‘arrow analogy’ and why it helped so much she got it TATTOOED on her body

A woman has divided online opinion after taking a 24-hour flight from Australia to the UK to surprise her ex-boyfriend – even though she wasn’t sure if he’d take her back or not. 

Tamika Cheney, 21, dumped Sam Aitken – her boyfriend of three and a half years – when he moved from Queensland to Brighton this year because she didn’t want a long distance relationship. 

But after her ex’s mum told her he was still in love with her, Tamika booked a $3,000 flight to England and filmed the moment she showed up at his house for a TikTok video, which has racked up more than 1.7 million views.

She admitted that she had no idea if Sam would have another girl there or not, and said she would have just travelled around Europe if he turned her down – which luckily he didn’t.  

Commenters were torn about the reunion, with some joking that their ex would ‘get a restraining order if they did this’. 

A woman has divided online opinion after taking a 24-hour flight from Australia to the UK to surprise her ex-boyfriend – after his mother revealed he’s still in love with her

Tamika posted the clip to her 93,700 followers with the caption: ‘A real-life movie moment! Take risks for the plot ladies #longdistancerelationship.’

The post has more than 139,600 likes and 418 comments, with many singletons admitting they were inspired by the ‘toxic’ act. 

‘Girl, don’t you dare. I’m about to buy a plane ticket,’ one wrote.

‘This is so toxic,’ a second penned. ‘I LOVE IT.’

‘So what you’re telling me is I just need to show up,’ another questioned. 

However, not everyone was as supportive of the endeavour.

‘My ex would get a restraining order on me if I did this,’ one said.

A second wrote: ‘You wanna know somethinnn, I did this and it did not work out.’

The couple , who had split only four months earlier, can be seen embracing and even share a kiss as an excited Sam opens the door to see Tamika

She posted the clip to her 93,700 followers with the caption: ‘A real-life movie moment! Take risks for the plot ladies #longdistancerelationship’

The post has more than 139,600 likes and 418 comments, with many singletons admitting they were inspired by the ‘toxic’ act

However, Tamika replied, saying: ‘But if you hadn’t have you would’ve wondered for the rest of your life! Glad you got your closure!’

The couple, who have known each other since meeting at school, broke up earlier this year, when Sam decided to move away to Brighton to pursue his music career with his brother, Tim.

He was ‘shocked’ when Tamika, 21, decided to break up with him and wanted to do long distance. 

However, Tamika feared this would hold both of them back and ended the relationship.  

She stayed in touch with her ex after he moved, but jealousy got the better of them both and Tamika decided the pair should cut contact before things got toxic.

Tamika Cheney, 21, dumped Sam Aitken – her boyfriend of three and a half years – when he moved from Queensland to Brighton this year. Both pictured reuniting in Brighton

Tamika booked a $3,000 flight to England and filmed the moment she showed up at his house in a now viral TikTok video which has racked up more than 1.7 million views

The 21-year-old says her ex-beau was ‘shocked’ by the dumping and wanted the pair to attempt a long-distance relationship – but Tamika feared this would hold them both back

However, their reunion last month showed that the love was clearly still there. 

‘It felt like a movie. It didn’t feel real to me,’ Tamika said.

‘I was very nervous and I think I started shaking my hands because the anticipation was killing me.

‘He opened the door and he was obviously very shocked. He walked away because he didn’t know how to react.’

She admits she ‘wasn’t expecting the kiss’.

‘You see me hesitate and pull back because I didn’t know we would get back together,’ Tamika continued. 

‘For the whole afternoon, he couldn’t stop touching me. He thought it wasn’t real and thought he was in a fever dream.’

Tamika admitted that she was worried that Sam wouldn’t be alone when she came over. 

Tamika admitted that she was worried that Sam wouldn’t be alone when she came over. Both pictured together

The couple, who have known each other since meeting at school when they were little, broke up earlier this year, after Sam decided to move away to pursue his music career with his brother, Tim

The model and retail pick-packer stayed in touch with her ex after he moved, but says jealousy got the better of them both and Tamika decided the pair should cut contact before things got toxic. The couple pictured Facetiming

‘I was excited. The only thing that crossed my mind was, what if I get there and there’s another girl?,’ she explained.

‘If he had gone out that night and there was another girl in his house the day that I arrived. That was the worst-case scenario for me.

‘I had a plan if he didn’t want me there or felt weird about it. I was just going to travel Europe for the month I was there.’

Tamika revealed that the trip was very ‘spontaneous’ – and she was spurred on by Sam’s mother.

‘I still had a very good relationship with his family so I visited his mum and dad for dinner,’ she recounted.

‘His mum told me that he was very much still in love with me and didn’t see himself moving on.’

Unbeknownst to Tamika, Sam’s mother had even booked her a flight for November to visit her ex in the UK because he was ‘so sad’ without her. 

‘She said they would send me over and it doesn’t have to be romantic, but obviously he was my first love – it was always going to be a little bit romantic,’ she gushed.

Tamika planned to spend a month in Brighton, but admitted she didn’t see herself living in the city at first. 

Tamika planned to spend a month in Brighton in the hope she would later move to join Sam – but admitted she didn’t see herself living in the city

The pair are now in a long-distance relationship until Sam visits Australia in January – and Tamika hopes to make the move to Brighton in February

After two weeks in England, the pair booked a holiday to Mallorca which Tamika says convinced her to move to Europe – and she and Sam decided to get back together.

‘Brighton was very different to the Sunshine Coast,’ she explained.

‘I tried to get up and go walking in the morning but in Australia, if you get up and go to the beach for a swim it’s packed and everyone says hello and it’s a very friendly vibe.’

Tamika said she went for a walk in Brighton but didn’t have the best impression of the area.

‘There’s not many people out, it’s a little bit scary and there’s rubbish everywhere,’ she recalled. ‘I thought this might not work.

‘I had just spent a lot of money for something I’m considering isn’t going to work.’

However, after Sam organised four nights in Mallorca, the couple decided to give it a try.

‘We got back together in Spain,’ she said. ‘We decided to give it another crack. It was very much a mutual decision.

‘He said we can start travelling together and that’s when I started looking up. I won’t just be stuck in Brighton. That’s when I decided to come over.’

The pair are now in a long-distance relationship until Sam visits Australia in January – and Tamika hopes to make the move to Brighton in February.

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