Bond: Invictus is one thing the palace can’t take away from Prince Harry

We recently discussed “royal expert” Jennie Bond’s bonkers Telegraph column, in which she said outright that no one should ever be estranged from their families and no one should move away from the place they were raised, and that Prince Harry’s estrangement from his family goes against nature. Well, Bond has now watched Heart of Invictus, and like so many royal reporters who got calls from their incandescent royal sources, she has some thoughts. She wrote her thoughts in an i News piece called “The Invictus Games is one thing the palace can’t take away from Prince Harry – and he knows it.” They literally took away everything they could, from the home he paid for to his military patronages. They tried to ruin his marriage and/or get his wife to unalive herself. They continue to orchestrate harm to come to Harry years after his escape. Some lowlights:

Heart of Invictus: “In Heart of Invictus we see the best of Prince Harry: someone who can genuinely empathise with the emotional void so many injured soldiers feel. He listens to their incredibly moving stories and encourages them to tackle their issues, revealing the depths to which he himself sank..It is a noble aim and Invictus has become one of Harry’s defining achievements. There have been five Games since the inaugural event in London in 2014 and, in a week or so, this year’s Games will open in Düsseldorf. Harry and Meghan (who famously went public with their relationship at the Toronto Games six years ago) will be there. Harry will give another inspirational speech. He is at his absolute best when he’s amongst his military family: confident, proud and authoritative.

Meghan will speak at the Closing Ceremony: “There have been suggestions that Meghan, too, will address the throng about courage and resilience. This strikes me as decidedly less appropriate when there will be any number of men and women there who have courageously proved precisely what resilience means.

Harry was furious when the palace removed his patronages: “The Prince was furious when he was stripped of his military appointments and honorary roles after deciding to quit royal duties. That hurt more than anything else because his decade of army service had given him some of the most fulfilling years of his life. He belonged; he wasn’t treated differently; he was one of the lads… one of the family. But Invictus is one thing the palace can’t take away from him. This is Harry’s baby — whether or not he is in the royal fold. And Heart of Invictus is a fine, humbling and moving piece of work.”

Harry’s common touch: “The success of the Games does, though, remind us of what we have lost in this once so popular star of the Royal Family. Despite his grand heritage, Harry has a gift of the common touch: an easy connection with the public, a mischievous sense of humour and a basic likability that’s hard to emulate.

Harry won’t make peace with his family: “The irony is that during his time on this side of the Atlantic, the Prince is not expected to make any attempt to bridge the bitter gulf between himself and his own family. He’ll be in London for a charity engagement immediately before flying to Düsseldorf. He may even be here on the morning of the first anniversary of the death of his grandmother, the Queen. But there’s no promise of white smoke signalling a truce — or even a meeting — with his father or brother. Perhaps we should send them all off to the Invictus Games to get some perspective on how extraordinarily petty their family squabbles are.

[From i News]

It’s still just amazing and mind-numbing how all of these people can’t bring themselves to say or write the truth. The truth being: the Windsors are petty, jealous, small-minded and sadistic, and they would have done anything to “take” Invictus away from Harry but they were too stupid to figure out how. Bond and the rest of them will write these pieces about how Harry should step up and make peace, that he must do the outreach, that he must make the first step, and it like… do they not hear themselves? There’s a whole-ass king who refuses to speak to his son, who refuses to lead by example, who refuses to behave with grace or class towards his family.

Also: the dig at Meghan for speaking at the closing ceremony… if you watch the HoI series, you can see that those veterans cannot WAIT to see and meet Meghan. Invictus is about family and Invictus is a family, HoI shows that every single veteran is trying to heal for themselves and their families. Of course the wife of the Invictus founder is going to speak. She’ll probably be one of the most popular speakers there.

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Photos courtesy of Netflix.

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