Coronation Street fans fear the end for Billy and Paul after brutal confession

Coronation Street fans were left heartbroken on Friday’s visit to Weatherfield, as Billy Mayhew appeared to signal the beginning of the end for his relationship with partner Paul Forman, as Paul’s battle with motor neurone disease continued to take it’s toll on their romance.

As regular viewers will know, Paul was diagnosed with the incurable degenerative disease earlier this year and has gradually been losing his mobility and dexterity as the cruel illness progressed.

Earlier this week, Paul suffered a terrifying fall while chasing after his young nephew, and on Friday also suffered another fall while enjoying a Pride celebration.

Given his struggles with walking, even with a stick, Paul’s partner Billy was keen to have him assessed by occupational therapy as he felt the next logical step was a wheelchair, but despite his good intentions, he had failed to take Paul’s own wishes into account.

Talking over him and speaking for him during the assessment, eventually Paul snapped at his boyfriend that Billy was overstepping the mark and failing to respect his wishes, leading to a tense row between the pair.

Although things later calmed down and there did appear to be hope for a reconciliation, Billy soon put his foot in it as he was overheard taking to former flame Todd Grimshaw about how difficult he was finding Paul’s illness – before dropping the bombshell that he didn’t think he would still be dating Paul, if it weren’t for his condition.

Understandably hurt by the confession, Paul made it clear he had overheard what was said before calmly telling Billy that if he wanted to end things, he wouldn’t stop him.

The scene clearly struck a nerve with many fans at home, with several condemning Billy for being so “selfish” and in some cases “evil” for turning his back on someone that was clearly struggling.

One fan wrote: “I hope Paul dumps Billy, he is too much. He's smothering Paul, so I don’t blame him going off on his own.”

A second agreed adding: “That was a low blow, Billy. Paul deserves someone that will support him not throw his mistakes in his face.

A third then commented: “Billy is such a miserable git! Why not just let Paul enjoy himself while he still can?”

A fourth also agreed commenting: “The evil Billy is cementing himself as worst character on the street”

Meanwhile a fifth fan commented: “Why is Billy so f*****g selfish? Like you’re supposed to be a vicar – act like one!”

Could this be the end of Billy and Paul after all? Or will the couple find a way to reconcile?

Coronation Street continues Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV and ITVX

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