Emmerdale fans ‘warn Belle not to trust Tom’ amid ‘pathetic’ thug attack

Emmerdale fans have warned Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) not to trust Tom King (James Chase) after he was 'attacked' and his car was stolen during the Thursday 7 September instalment of the show.

As Tom went to a veterinary call-out, he was approached by a thug who demanded the keys to his fancy BMW car.

Tom refused, before another carjacker ran out and pushed him to the floor – causing his head to bleed – and they sped off leaving him lying on the ground.

But Emmerdale fans were left less than impressed by the scene, as many labelled it 'pathetic' – and some even called out the acting.

Taking to Twitter in their droves, one viewer tweeted: "How pathetic was that attack? #emmerdale," whilst another said: "And the award for most pathetic car robbery ever goes to…. #emmerdale."

A third wrote: "That's was worst robbery ever#emmerdale, as someone else tweeted: "Was that the upsetting scene? Where was the violence? Did I blink and miss it? #Emmerdale."

Others took aim at the acting, with one saying: "Badly acted boys. #Emmerdale," whilst another wrote: "His eyes were shut as soon as he got pushed over#emmerdale."

Yet another viewer tweeted: "He took his "fall" lesson from Spider in #corrie that was pathetic. Tom's a big bloke and fell like a feather #emmerdale."

Meanwhile, some viewers are convinced that Tom actually knew his attackers, and that the apparent 'car theft' could have been planned by him.

One person mused: "Thought there was a twist and Tom knew him #Emmerdale, as another said: "Wait!. The car thief comes all the way into the village to nick a car. It's an insurance scam, I'll wager #Emmerdale

A third said: "Right. So Tom knows this punk. Are we supposed to? #Emmerdale."

Tom was found by Belle who called the police – which he seemed less than impressed by.

When the police arrived, PC Swirling told them that car thefts had increased in the area as a result of people showing off their vehicles on social media.

After Belle pestered Tom to go to A&E, he snapped at her and told her to go home and sulk about her day as planned.

He hit the table with his fist as he shouted at her – and fans of the soap are warning Belle not to trust him, with one tweeting: "Something dodgy about Tom to come out. Don’t trust him Belle."

The pair have been having trouble in their relationship as Belle's jealousy is mounting over him spending time with his colleague, Dawn, outside of work.

Attempting to put her mind at ease, Tom organised a double date for them with Dawn (Olivia Bromley) and her boyfriend, Billy (Jay Kontzle).

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