Princess Kate said that Prince George complains about getting tested all the time

Here are some additional photos of the Princess of Wales in Cardiff yesterday. Someone said that Kate was sent out high and wearing a bad wig. Her ups and downs during events have become really noticeable, and if you told me she was being medicated, I would believe you. I don’t think this is alcohol either – Camilla is the one who seems permanently boozy, like she’s half in the bag at all times. Whatever is happening with Kate, it seems, IDK, chemical?

The Mail had a big story about Kate’s hair and what her fringy “new look” says about her. Considering her “fringe” is way too long, she’s doing the shaggy-dog thing in many photos. One stylist dutifully told the Mail that Kate is doing a Charlie’s Angels look which makes her appear as “a powerful woman in full control of her look.” Another said that the wig “draws attention to her cheekbones.” You know what struck me? Her hair is copykeening Sweden’s Princess Sofia. Sofia has done a version of this style for a while.

Meanwhile, Kate was sent out specifically to mention Prince George’s test-taking, which is the excuse issued for why Kate will not go to Singapore next month. During a visit to a local school, Kate did this:

In a clip shared on TikTok by Matt Wilkinson of The Sun, Kate sat at a table of students and said, “George is just at the beginning of being tested. He says, ‘Mummy, I keep getting tested all the time.’ But when it gets to A-levels you feel like you’re on it.”

The comment came was Kate’s second reference to her eldest son’s studies during her trip to Cardiff with William, which began with a stop at Grange Pavilion to meet members of the Windrush generation and young minority ethnic individuals driving positive change in Wales.

[From People]

She probably looked into the camera and said coldly, “did you get that?” Her work was done for the day. Showed up in a bad wig, looked high, gawped at Black folks, talked about her son’s test-taking. That probably counted for like six events.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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