Kate Lawler's husband hits back at trolls who criticised her weight

Kate Lawler’s husband Martin Bojtos hits back at cruel trolls who criticised her weight in holiday snaps: ‘Put the phone down and go outside for a bit!’

Kate Lawler’s husband Martin Bojtos has hit back at cruel trolls who recently criticised her weight.

The former Big Brother winner, 43, is currently on a road trip through Europe with her husband Martin and their six-month-old daughter.

She has been keeping her 480k Instagram followers up-to-date and shared a slew of pictures from the trip on Sunday. 

In one stunning snap, Kate looked stylish in an orange bandeau top and a pair of black and white patterned trousers.

Some of Kate’s fans unfairly commented on Kate’s figure, which promoted Martin to respond.

Hitting back: Kate Lawler’s husband Martin Bojtos has hit back at cruel trolls who recently criticised her weight

Family: The former Big Brother winner, 43, is currently on a road trip through Europe with her husband Martin and their six-month-old daughter

Writing in the comments section, he said: ‘I love that people are concerned about my wife’s weight when I cook for her,’ followed by a laughing emoji. 

‘Guys, chill – it’s the camera angle. Put the phone down and go outside for a bit.’

Kate shared several glamorous snaps of herself and captioned the post: ‘And just like that… 

‘I’ve gone from sunglasses, sun hats, dressing like the fire extinguisher next to me, white linen shirts and summer crop tops…to my fave silk pyjamas doing all the washing. Summer holidays, over and out.’

It comes after Kate fired back at mum-shamers who criticised her for sharing a video of her daughter Noa having a tantrum during a family holiday.

After Kate shared footage of Noa having a tantrum, she was inundated with messages from trolls who said she should never have brought her on the trip.

The TV personality shared a lengthy post criticising the ‘handful of Karens’ who trolled her and said she wanted to share the ‘reality’ of travelling with a baby.

Kate wrote: ‘Firstly please don’t tell me what I can and can’t post on my own Instagram account. I wouldn’t ever dream of telling even a family member what they should or shouldn’t post.

‘Secondly, the reel I posted was not for ‘entertainment’, It’s hugely important for me to also share the reality of holidaying with two dogs and a toddler as so many of you asked for advice, tips & recommendations about European road trips.

‘If all I shared were sweet and smiley family photos it would be completely disingenuous and not representative of this trip at all.

Holiday: She has been keeping her 480k Instagram followers up-to-date and shared a slew of pictures from the trip on Sunday

Writing in the comments section, Martin said: ‘I love that people are concerned about my wife’s weight when I cook for her,’ followed by a laughing emoji.’

‘I’m an honest person, which is why on stories the other day I spoke about Boj and I falling out in the car and wanting to kill each other.

‘As much as we’ve created some magical memories that we’ll never forget, it’s been hard at times.’

Kate then pointed out her daughter could just as easily have had a tantrum while they were at home.

She wrote: ‘The comments about it all being too much for Noa hence the meltdowns or that we shouldn’t have taken her, are you kidding me?

‘When we’re at home she’ll have had 10 hours sleep, wake up in a fabulous mood yet still have a full blown meltdown because I broke her cereal bar in half instead of giving it to her in one piece.

‘So 8 hours in the car with unlimited food, drinks, snacks, movies, tv shows, peppa pig songs and stories, multiple breaks to walk and stretch her legs, playing i-spy, lullabies, a tonie box, blankets, me holding her hand while Boj drives, these have in fact been less stressful than when we’re at home on a regular day.

‘Since Noa was born I’ve scrolled through countless social media posts showing family holidays that look like a dream.

‘When we first took Noa on holiday in 2021 it wasn’t picture perfect and I felt gutted that everyone else’s holidays looked joyous and stress free when ours was challenging.

‘It made me think, surely there must be other parents who find holidays with children tiring? (Caption continued in the comments below)’.

Criticism: Kate recently fired back at mum-shamers who criticised her for sharing a video of her daughter Noa having a tantrum during a family holiday

To make her point further, Kate wrote an additonal comment saying she believes Noa will find the clip of her tantrum hilarious when she’s older.

She also added that the doesn’t share the vast majority of her parenting on her social media.

She wrote: ‘Of course it’s nice to show holiday highlights on Instagram BUT I believe it’s time we also showed the reality of holidays, not just parenting at home.

‘Share the highs but also the lows so that other Mums and Dads feel seen and heard. So that they can say phew, it’s not just us, so they know that we’re all in this together.

‘The parental rollercoaster ride that will forever have monumental highs and disastrous lows at home AND on holiday.

‘Lastly, my daughter already has a sense of humour and I know she’ll find this video hilarious when I show it to her on her 18th birthday, and it’s also NOT just a video of Noa crying.

‘There’s nappy changes, teeth brushing, dogs barking, me doing laundry in a sink, family selfies, an entire montage of real moments and actually I’m comforting Noa or have been comforting her before the videos and after.

‘She’s my world. Her most vulnerable moments are NOT on Instagram, some I’ve never even shared with you. 99% off my parenting happens away from this corner of the internet, The times she hurt herself or been genuinely upset over something serious didn’t get captured. I shouldn’t have to explain that.

Support: Kate received support from TV presenter Scarlett Moffatt who commented to share her own experience with mum-shaming

Scarlett wrote: ‘We were taking him out for a walk and I took a pic before we went and I was bombarded with, “you shouldn’t let your baby wear hats indoor” comments’ 

‘Favourite comment was ‘how would you like it if someone shared videos of you crying for entertainment?’ LOL I did Big Brother. Videos of me crying were on national television every night for nine weeks.

‘But also to repeat one more time for the Karen’s at the back, this video was not for entertainment, if you read the caption you’d have known that. Rant over. Love and Light x’.

Kate received support from TV presenter Scarlett Moffatt who commented to share her own experience with mum-shaming.

She wrote: ‘Jude’s only 8 weeks old and the amount of unsolicited parenting advice I’ve had.

‘We were taking him out for a walk and I took a pic before we went and I was bombarded with, ‘you shouldn’t let your baby wear hats indoor’ comments and messages. It’s ridiculous xx.’

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